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HomeNews“WEPCO”, launch of Safety and Health International Day event under the leadership of Engineer Ibrahim Massoud at ElHamra Terminal

“WEPCO”, launch of Safety and Health International Day event under the leadership of Engineer Ibrahim Massoud at ElHamra Terminal

Today, Safety, Health, and Environment International Day event has launched at Western Desert Operating Petroleum Company “WEPCO” under the leadership of Engineer, Chairman, and Managing Director Ibrahim Massoud which has been launched today at all companies in the Petroleum Sector by Engineer Tarek El Mala Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources to start the “Safety Walk-Down” program preluding the celebration of the Safety and Health International Day on the 6th of December of each year to reinforce the idea of the importance of taking precautions and the prevention of accidents and illnesses and the reduction of injuries and work hazards.

The event started with a march lead by Engineer Ibrahim Massoud Chairman and Managing Director of the company with the Chemist Mohamed Hassan Manager of QHSE and Engineer El Sayed Sobhi General Manager of the Western Desert and the Syndicate Committee to survey Warehouse 7 project at ElHarma Terminal and a Safety Stand “Safety Walk-Down” with the partnership of the project managers and employees of Petrojet and Enppi as they are charged of executing the project as the stand was to check on the application of QHSE measures and standards.

Also Engineer Ibrahim Massoud spoke of the goals of “WEPCO” on the importance of maintaining the health and safety of its employees, its properties and the environment, and that these goals have the company’s top priority, as well as the constant improvement of its main operations, and the safety of work at in all the company’s activities.

He also confirmed the necessity of putting in focus the dangers, hazards and work circumstances and constant guidance to improve the general safety standards of the company, affirming that the main goal of “WEPCO” is work without any kind of accidents nor injuries.

Also the Chemist Mohamed Hassan General Manager of Safety, Health and Environment preservation spoke of the necessity of taking the lead in maintaining the safety standard and stopping any kind of unsafe operations persuading all employees to immediately report of any hazard that could lead to damages, and the safety department of ElHamra Terminal has held awareness conferences and presented videos of accidents and the learnt lessons from them during the “Safety Walk-Down” event.

The Petroleum Sector is one of the institutions that should lead in the application of QHSE standards, whether they’re production companies, refineries or gas and projects companies, and it’s an important factor to make sure that work keeps going without any accidents, especially since safety and health at the Petroleum Sector companies are some of the main factors for the success of their work.